Schlumberger Symmetry 2022.3 建模分析软件

Schlumberger Symmetry 是一款建模分析软件,可以捕获模型从油藏到产品分布的各个方面,带来更高效更快速的安全设计解决方案,改善设施,进行完整建模和分析,从而将风险降到最低,提供准确的设施管理和准确性分析,进行完美的预测和增强。

Schlumberger Symmetry 基于基本的热力学原理,为解决化学过程模拟问题的解决方案提供了非凡的通用性,用于过程模拟器的两个主要功能中,热力学计算引擎和模拟求解器,为工业上重要的系统提供了严格的热力学平衡和物理性能估计,并在完成自由度后立即调用必要的计算,从而可以求解描述流程的方程组,是一个非常复杂的化学计算器,它使用热力学模型来驱动其Gibbs自由能计算(并因此实现相平衡)和Gibbs相角法则来确定不同单元操作和流程图的可用自由度。


Symmetry or VMGSim is a technical and engineering software design and process design company that is the product of VMG Empowering Process Simulation and now Schlumberger . The software in front of you as a global simulator is powerful, accurate and comprehensive. With over 20,000 packages of chemicals, over 80 thermodynamic packages and the ability to perform hundreds of unit capabilities, the software has been used worldwide to model existing processes and design new facilities from the ground up. To take.

With VMGSim software you can provide innovative ways to increase the value of your products and reduce your production costs dramatically. Also with this software you can greatly eliminate the problems and problems in your work. You are also able to specify your real time trend. Using this software not only increases the efficiency of your work, but also with this software and its capabilities you can identify and fix the disadvantages and drawbacks of your work.


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