Schlumberger OLGA 2022 全动态多相流模拟软件


OLGA可以模拟在油井,输油管线和油气处理设备中的油,气及水的运动状态。 随着石油工业对流动保障“Flow Assurance”的重视, OLGA 已经被广泛地应用在复杂流动过程研究,工程设计模拟中。

随着石油天然气开发逐渐向深海及沙漠等地区开发,对于大管径、高压力、长距离的多相流混输技术要求日益迫切。因此,在工艺过程设计中多相流动的关键参数(如清管液量、清管压力、冷却时间)的模拟对于方案的选定至关重要。OLGA是目前国际公认的多相流工艺计算的标准化软件,OLGA软件的计算结果得到国内外各大石油公司的认可,很多的国外大石油公司如:Conocophillips、Shell、TOTAL、STATOIL等也纷纷资助OLGA软件的研发,并参与到OLGA软件的验证提高计划中。OLGA还被用于模拟复杂油井和输油管线多相流动问题,寻求解决的办法, 找出最佳操作步骤并选择合理的解决方案。

目前随着OLGA软件的不断发展, OLGA软件的功能也得到了不断的拓展延伸,由初期的单一进行多相流管线计算,延伸到上游油气井筒多相流动过程模拟(Wells模块)以及井筒流入动态动态模拟(ROCX模块)。另外,随着CO2排放问题受到各界的日益重视,OLGA也开发了对于单相CO2长输管线的工艺模拟模块,OLGA的单相模拟模块可以于单组分CO2或水蒸气的地输送模拟。


  • 三相流模块
  • 段塞跟踪模块
  • 三维热传导模块
  • 组分跟踪模块
  • 抑制剂跟踪模块
  • 复杂流体模块
  • 蜡沉积模块
  • 多相泵模块
  • 单组分模块
  • 水合物动力学模块
  • 腐蚀模块
  • 井模块
  • PVTsim物性计算模块


Schlumberger OLGA is a software developed for modeling and simulating a multi-phase flow that is a dynamic process. The program was first formally launched by Statoil, which was then acquired by the SPT Group and subsequently developed by Schlumberger, a large company owned by Schlumberger. In Olga software, all types of pipeline networks that include various process equipment such as compressors, valves, heat exchangers, pumps, etc. can be dynamically modeled and simulated.

Features and Features of Schlumberger OLGA Software :

– Accurate and advanced simulation and modeling of flow within pipes

– Ability to dynamically simulate oil and gas pipes under different conditions

– Ability to calculate and incorporate various components such as heat transfer between the pipeline wall and the environment, pipe breakage, pipe corrosion, etc.

– Steady-state computation and analysis to address current problems and challenges

– Time-Dependent or Transient Flow Simulation to maximize production potential

– Ability to evaluate environmental impacts

– Ability to simulate and accurately predict key operating conditions such as startup, shutdown, pigging, etc.


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