FluidRay v3.0.31 含库 三维实时渲染类软件 特别版

FluidRay是一款非常实用且功能专业完善的实时渲染类软件工具,该软件的功能采用了最为先进的最新实时3D渲染技术以及全局照明技术,与Twinmotion或者LumenRT这种软件中的主要功能有着异曲同工之处;用户通过该软件的功能可以直接从用户的3D建模软件中导入材料、对象或者场景,而且还支持大多数的格式,而这些格式就包括了FBX、3DS、StereoLithography、Coada以及Rhino OpenNurbs等多种不同的格式在内,帮助用户更好的进行导入3D建模。


FluidRay is the name of a software engineer specialized in 3D rendering. The software in front of you is actually one of the best and fastest real-time rendering software in the world. Using this software due to its workflow makes rendering at higher speeds even more enjoyable than other similar software. You can render rendering operations for your very large engineering projects with the help of this software.

FluidRay is the only real-time provider that does not suffer from GPU restrictions. Unlike other similar software, this product is able to do your job in the best possible way. Another advantage of using this program is its user-friendly interface. This allows users to get the best results with the least expertise in rendering. Support for titles such as SketchUp, Rhino OpenNurbs, FBX, Alias ​​Wavefront etc. are among the other advantages of this program.

The software\’s remarkable speed has also made it possible to use the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. The high quality of output files of this software makes this product popular among users. Benefiting from an extensive library of materials, models and lights are other benefits of the program.

Features and Features of FluidRay Software:

  • Fantastic rendering speed in real time
  • No limitations on GPU speeds rendering
  • Enjoy a very user-friendly interface and workflow
  • Applicable to simple to advanced engineering projects
  • Using smart technologies to improve rendering performance


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