GeoGebra for win & macOS 数学教学课件软件免费版

GeoGebra – 数学教学软件 多语言中文版

免费的课堂活动数字工具, 用于绘图计算, 几何作图, 白板协作等等

GeoGebra 是一个结合「几何」、「代数」与「微积分」的动态数学软件,它是由美国佛罗里达州亚特兰大学的数学教授Markus Hohenwarter所设计的。 一方面来说,GeoGebra是一个动态的几何软件。您可以在上面画点、向量、线段、直线、多边形、圆锥曲线,甚至是函数,事后你还可以改变它们的属性。


所以 GeoGebra 同时具有处理代数与几何的功能,因此GeoGebra视窗左边有一个「代数区」,右边有一个「几何区」(也称为「绘图区」),就像图1一样。


  • 可免费用于学习、教学和考评。
  • 功能强大、使用简单、交互性强。
  • 支持多种语言。
  • 以趣味的方式真正观察和体验数学和科学。
  • 可适于各种课程或项目。
  • 在世界上有数百万人使用。


GeoGebra is software for performing mathematical calculations at all educational levels. This app brings together topics of geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, charts and graphs, statistics and calculus in one simple and compact package. This software is one of the leading products in the field of dynamic computing in various disciplines of mathematics. The applications of this product can either be very general and be used by students in mathematics for daily computing. Or to be detailed enough to be applied to other science and technology researchers in other technical engineering disciplines.

This computational software is one of the best computing resources to accelerate learning, especially in pure mathematics. Teachers and university teachers can use the programs abilities to improve the teaching process for their students at whatever level they are at. One of the interesting features of this software is the dynamic and live communication between information tables, algebraic calculations and graphs and graphs. In fact, changes are made to each section at any time, which will save you a lot of time. In this case, it is easier to display the relationship between changes and outputs.

The GeoGebra interface is very simple and user-friendly. Of course, this simplicity is not a detriment to its capabilities. If you have sufficient theoretical knowledge of the subject you may be using, it may take a few hours or less. Another interesting feature of the program is the ability to build educational web pages. Based on different calculations and graphs, web pages can be designed and delivered to other people. This app is free and for non-commercial purposes there is no restriction on its use.


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