Scriptcase v9.6.014快速WEB开发软件

Scriptcase是一个PHP Web快速开发工具,综合性的专业软件,以快速协作的方式开发 Web 应用程序,可使用网格、表单、图表和BI 报告 将您的数据库转换为完整的 Web 系统,从而节省时间并降低成本。轻松创建应用程序,完整的网络系统和先进的报告与 商业智能使用我们的概念基于数据库的PHP代码生成器。要自定义您的应用程序,您可以使用现成的和可自定义的主题以及Google字体、矢量图像和其他个性化工具。Scriptcase 9 可有效节省时间并在几分钟内交付丰富的 Internet 或 Intranet 应用程序。Scriptcase 支持最多样化的关系数据库、操作系统和浏览器!

图片[1]-Scriptcase v9.6.014快速WEB开发软件-时代软件

Scriptcase is a comprehensive specialized software for building a complete web system and improving your productivity. With the help of this software package, you will be able to build programs, complete web systems and professional reports using business intelligence concepts and with the help of PHP code generator based on a database. Now it’s time to turn spreadsheets like CSV, XLS and ACCESS into databases and build your own web application. To customize your application, you can use ready-made and customizable themes along with Google fonts, vector images and other personalization tools.


The work environment of this program is divided into three parts:

  • RAD (Rapid Application Development): Has all the usable applications and templates for complete systems
  • Scriptcase tools: Various tools for database management, SQL building and other related tools
  • Code Editor: Like a powerful IDE, it provides the conditions for coding to customize or build a specific feature.

Scriptcase features:

  • Compatible with existing database types including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Interbase, SQL Azure, Amazon Aurora, Firebird, Access, Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2, Sybase, Informix or ODBC
  • Develop whatever a system needs: data queries, summaries, graphs, and pivot tables, editable forms and grids, calendars with Google Calendar integration, dynamic menus, PDF and XLS reports, dashboards, security module
  • Integration with APIs for E-Mail, SMS, Whatsapp, Social Networks, Payment platforms along with web services


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