Bentley OpenSite SITEOPS 实景建模和场地设计

Bentley 宣布推出用于创建优化场地设计的全新 SITEOPS 工作流,该工作流将在设计流程中充分利用 ContextCapture 创建的实景网格和 Bentley LumenRT 创建的栩栩如生的可视化效果。借助 ContextCapture,用户可以创建高度精确的三维实景网格,其精度可以满足任何工程项目完全在此参考环境中完成。这些实景网格均已工程就绪,现在可直接在 SITEOPS 中用作具有最精确地形的三维设计环境。设计完成后,用户可以将三维模型导出到 Bentley LumenRT,以创建栩栩如生的三维可视化效果。

创建场地平面图和设计最大的难点在于对现有条件进行准确完整的勘测。ContextCapture 可让设计师基于一组普通数码照片快速生成准确的地形模型,然后可立即用于 SITEOPS 中以开始确定最优场地配置的过程。


OpenSite Siteops is a very efficient and professional software designed by the famous Bentley Company. In fact, this version is an advanced version of Siteops software. It now includes Siteops, OpenSite Designer and Lumenrt. This version replaces the online version of Siteops and combines with OpenSite Designer. That means you will now install Siteops on your desktop. And unlike the past, there is no need for internet to use. Patterns, blocks, default features, and project data are stored in a computer or network hard drive.

OpenSite Siteops Software Features and Features:

  1. Ability to quickly create concept design from development projects
  2. The rapid estimation of the details and the project budget
  3. Analysis and estimation of possible risks
  4. Reduce project design time up to 30 %
  5. The design capability for sewage designs, drinking water and heating/cooling installations and …
  6. Ability to create a 3D realistic design of the project


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